Hip-Hop has been rooting for Kanye West to find love ever since his main jump-off hopped on the Wiz Khalifa train. But Kim Kardashian isn't exactly what we had in mind.
It hasn't even been a month since Kim-Ye made their scripted public debut in New York City, and their awkward romance won't stop oppressing our computer screens.
This is far from love and Hip-Hop and closer to a publicity stunt,
but for the purpose of having faith in Ye's choices we'll give him about
six months to come to his senses, focus on making great music, and go
back to being mad at the world. His best rhymes come from his anger, and
we can't afford to start hearing more mentions of his love for Kimmy.
He Doesn't Play Sports
If the rap game were a sport, Ye would fall somewhere between Wilt
Chamberlain and Metta World Peace. He never fails at scoring bangers,
but whoever is in the crosshairs of his temper, will catch the fade.
Kim's only used to pretending to be interested in sports games, imagine
if she was forced to attend one of his concerts.
Yeezy's Too Old For Her
For the first time in a long time, Kim Kardashian decided to stop
wading in the kiddie pool and choose an adult, but the fact that Ye is
older spells trouble. He's one of the biggest MCs in the game, so the
last thing he needs is to be controlled by a low-rent reality star.
White America Still Won't Let Go Of "Taylor-gate"
Even after three years, white America is still not over that whole
Taylor Swift situation. Stealing the spotlight (only to try to hand to
over to Beyoncé)
during Swift's acceptance speech at MTV's 2009 Video Music Awards was a perfect example of why mixing Hennessey with a live show is never a good look.
They'll Both Be Battling For The Spotlight
Very rarely do huge figures come together with a positive end result.
Jay and Beyoncé made it work, but Chris Brown and Rihanna...not so
much. The fact that Ye is a star in his own right, and Kim is fighting
to remain relevant by any means necessary, will ruin their battle for
Kanye is prone to outbursts
We all know that Kanye likes to speak his mind, even if it's at the expense of his exes' dignity. After Amber Rose, Yeezy verbally attacked the bald beauty
for being a gold-digger–and that was when he was being nice about it!
If Kim's not careful all that loves he's showing her could turn into a
diss record
Hip-Hop won't stand for it
We like to look at Kim Kardashian, but in the words of Snoop Dogg “you can't make a ho a housewife.” Her
disastrous attempt at making music should've gotten her stoned, but
thankfully it taught the reality star to stay in her own lane. If she
starts dropping mixtapes, or weighing in on rap beef, we're officially
tapping out.
Her Family Is Too Big (Only Child Syndrome)
Kanye is an only child and there's nothing worse than going from a
party of one, to a family bigger than an NBA roster. Yeezy wasn't made
to be one of many, he stands on his own two feet. The only sibling that
he wants in his circle is Jay-Z, not Lamar Odom.
They Both Wear Women's Clothing
Lets just put it out there, Ye likes wearing women's clothes.
He routinely rocks women' blouses, started a female fashion line, and
threw on a skirt for the U.S. run of his Watch the Throne tour. Kim is a
fashionista in her own right, and fighting over clothes is a tell-tale
sign that your relationship isn't meant to be.

Photo: Tumblr
Beyoncé Doesn't Need Any New Female Friends
Beyoncé had an opening for another female in her life, and Blue Ivy
Carter already filled that position. The last thing Mrs. Sean Carter
needs is Kim Kardashian trying to kick back on the yacht in Saint
Tropez. Bey won't stand for it, and neither will BIC.

Photo: Consequence
Consequence Is Going To Sabotage Them
The Cons is one bitter MC. He's already attempted to throw Ye (and Q-Tip) under the bus, and no one cared. He can't stand to see Kanye win,
so if nude photos, shady text messages, or a s-x tape ever finds its
way to the ‘Net, check the whereabouts of a certain Queens rapper
formerly of G.O.O.D. Music.