Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Reveals She Was Discrimated Against Before She Lost Weight

Singer Jennifer Hudson has been having a good year, complete with endorsement deals, a European promo tour and magazine covers, however, she recently revealed that people weren’t always so receptive to her image. In an interview with Grazia Magazine, she discussed her weight loss, being discriminated against in Hollywood for being heavy, and how she never thought there was an issue with her fuller figure until she lost weight. She tells the publication:

“Last week I saw some footage of myself as I was five years ago and I was surprised. It was like I recognized myself but I didn’t. It seemed another world away. But in this slim world I do now realize I was being discriminated against. I’m offered more parts. There is much more excitement about me now.”
On Believing Her Fuller Figure Was Normal
“I never thought I was overweight. I thought my old look was pretty normal. That was how all the girls looked growing up in Chicago. I didn’t have any problem with it. It makes me smile to think back to myself when I did ‘Dreamgirls’ with Beyonce. I did see all these women in Hollywood, all very slim and I thought, ‘Wow, these ladies are very into themselves.’ I loved that I stood out in a room. You knew when you saw this woman it was Jennifer Hudson.”

On The Benefits of Fitting Into Hollywood
“There have been times when it’s a huge high, like when I walked the red carpet at the Oscars and people were screaming at me. Then I also had dinner with Beyonce and Alicia Keys and they just kept going on and on about how great I looked.”
She also tells AOL:
The reaction is like a whole new world with the new image. That’s another reason I feel like a whole new person and [at] times … I forget [about] my new image because my mind has not caught up with my physical yet. But everything is worlds-apart different and it’s like being introduced to a whole new world in every single way you can imagine. What I mean is from being on the other side as a plus-size girl versus now you would never know what you’re being discriminated against until you cross to the other side. So now being on this side — people are different. There’s a whole lot more opportunities, people are more friendly.
It’s amazing how obsessed Hollywood is with weight and J Hud is a walking testament of how different people treat you when you have a little meat on your bones. Last April, she told the press, “I’m alright with not being a size 2″. Since then, she’s dropped from a size 16 to a size 6 and is now considered a walking billboard.

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