It was just a few short weeks ago that NBA Player Chris Paul
and his college sweetheart Jada Crawley tied the knot in front of close friends and family in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to Essence Magazine, the couple met at a basketball tournament during Jada’s sophomore year in college and have been inseparable ever since.
“Chris and I just are hometown, everyday people,” reveals Jada. “She used to wear Jordans,” recalls Chris fondly. “Jada was with me when I was broke.” Even so, Chris sometimes had to check family members when he first started dating Jada. “Sometimes they gave me the side-eye like, Is she here for the right reasons? But Chris stood up for me,” says Jada. “It made us stronger.”That bond was strengthened even more with the birth of their son, Chris II, now 2. “People can say, ‘They had a baby out of wedlock,’ ” says Jada. “But when I got pregnant, Chris’ clubbing came to a halt because he wanted to be a good father. And being a good father meant being a better boyfriend.” Chris concurs: “Becoming parents made us closer.”
Check out a few pics from the wedding
that included the likes of Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Gabrielle Union, Carmelo and Lala, Kevin Hart and Robin Thicke who serenaded the couple.
Lala and Gabby (Gabby you next!)
Kevin Hart and his girlfriend
Lebron, D Wade, Jada and Chris Paul hit the dance floor
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