Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jay-z Covers GQ ‘Men Of The Year’: Talks Father, Beyonce’s MTV Announcement & Plans To Change Diapers

Jay-z covers the upcoming issue of GQ Magazine which also happens to be their annual Men Of The Year Issue. Inside, he gets personal as he talks about Beyonce’s decision to announce her pregnancy at the MTV Music Video Awards as well as being scarred by his father. According to Jay, Bey decided to announce she was pregnant because one of the gossip shows or sites was going to release the information and she wanted to take control of the story. He also revealed that he was hurt by his father because they had a connection at one point which was eventually ripped away from him as he grew older.
Jay on Bey’s decision to announce she was pregnant
“It was actually Bey who wanted to [announce] it. You want to be in control of your life.

Jay on his father leaving and how that affected him:
If your dad died before you were born, yeah, it hurts—but it’s not like you had a connection with something that was real. Not to say it’s any better—but to have that connection and then have it ripped away was, like, the worst. My dad was such a good dad that when he left, he left a huge scar. He was my superhero. [I finally talked to him about] what it did to me, what it meant, asked him why. There was no real answer. There was nothing he could say, because there’s no excuse for that. There really isn’t. So there was nothing he could say to satisfy me, except to hear me out. And it was up to me to forgive and let it go.
A month after Jay-z had the conversation, his father died. He is now determined to not only be a financial provider for his child, but to be present in her life.
Providing—that’s not love. Being there—that’s more important. I mean, we see that. We see that with all these rich socialites. They’re crying out for attention; they’re hurting for love. I’m not being judgmental—I’m just making an observation. They’re crying out for the love that maybe they didn’t get at home, and they got everything. All the material things that they need and want. So we know that’s not the key.”
Will Jay be changing diapers?
“Of course, of course. One hundred percent.”
Looks like Jay-z is vying for Father Of The Year awards as well. It’s good that men are realizing it takes more than a monthly check to be a good father.


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