Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The View’ Discuss Chris Brown: “Is He Trying To Pull A “Charlie Sheen”?

This was one of the points raised by the ladies of the View earlier today while discussing Chris Brown’s recent tirade followed by his “Charlie Sheen” tweet. Right after the incident, he sent out a tweet that said, “I’m so over people bringing this past sh*t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bullsh*t!“. He later deleted it.
According to Joy Behar, some people are wondering if it’s all an act to create the same type of buzz as Charlie Sheen. Sherri Shepherd added in, that people aren’t going to let Chris pull a “Charlie Sheen” and Joy responded by saying, “He’s not worth what Charlie Sheen is to the network”.
Sherri Shephard then mentioned that someone backstage called Chris Brown a “thug” after the incident, meanwhile Charlie Sheen tore up a hotel room with his kids in the next room, allegedly held a knife to someone, etc and that word was never used to describe him.
In a nutshell, he could very well be proving that the media is biased when it comes to their reporting on certain celebs.
Check out other thoughts from the ladies and video below:
“It saddens me because it’s a big setback from the progress he was trying to make.” – Sherri Shepherd
“Maybe he needs attention and he’s trying to revive his career” – Joy Behar
“It’s interesting because this is not the way, if I was trying to get attention [that I would do something like this]…because one of the things with his parole is to keep his nose clean. So something this violent seems to me it can be more of a setback because it could mean jail time. -Whoopi Goldberg
They also mentioned that they asked Chris Brown to come on the show and when they told them they would ask them a few questions about the Rihanna incident, his team said “no” to the interview.
Chris and his girlfriend
Chris Brown and his reported girlfriend in New York

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