Friday, July 12, 2013

Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife Files, Drops Suit in 3 Days

Dwyane Wade Ex wife sues him and endorsers
Dwyane Wade’s ex-wife, Siohvaughn Wade, filed a million dollar lawsuit against Dwyane and his endorsers only to dismiss the entire case a few days later.
Wade and his ex-wife have been divorced for years, but the legal battles between then has, unfortunately, always remained as strong as ever.
Their latest legal battle was the quickest one yet, as Siohvaughn filed the lawsuit on Tuesday only to drop everything on Thursday.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Wade’s ex was accusing him and his endorsers of civil conspiracy and violating the terms of an agreement they made in 2008 that requires the endorsers to deposit all funds from Wade’s endorsement deals into a joint account.
In other words, she isn’t getting a piece of every check that’s written to Wade from his many endorsement deals.
The lawsuit was seeking a whopping $2 million in damages from the NBA star and four companies that have endorsement deals with him, along with a financial advisor and an attorney.
The lawsuit could certainly dampen anyone’s mood, but Wade’s attorney wasn’t worried.
According to his attorney, James Pritikin, the lawsuit was without merit from the beginning and “mischaracterizes” the terms of the 2008 agreement.
Dwyane Wade ex wife files, drops lawsuit in less than a week  
Although he didn’t go into detail about the mischaracterization, it seems as if he was right to not be concerned about the hefty lawsuit.
On Thursday, Siohvaughn dismissed the lawsuit voluntarily although it isn’t exactly clear why she decided to do so.
Of course, even if she had pushed forward it isn’t likely that her legal team would have been able to match up against the major sponsors in the lawsuit, which are T-Mobile USA, Staples Office Superstore LLC, Gatorade Co. and Lining LLC.
Another huge concern would have been proving the civil conspiracy.
While it would have been simple to prove she hasn’t been getting her share of her ex’s money, it takes more than just a breach of contract to suggest an actual conspiracy.
Wade gained sole custody of his two sons with Siohvaughn back in 2010 after a nasty custody battle that lasted almost five years.

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