Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will.I.Am’s Pet Peeves: Women With Condoms & No Wet Wipes...

Producer and Black Eyed Peas frontman Will.I.Am is normally pretty private about his personal life, but he recently sat down with ELLE, to discuss what he won’t tolerate in a relationship. Surprisingly, a few of his pet peeves include a woman who keeps condoms at her house, has wet sinks and who doesn’t use baby wipes.

If you walked into a woman’s house, what one item would convince you that you weren’t compatible?
If she had condoms in her house, that would just f–kin’ throw me off. That’s just tacky.

Well, okay, I could see if she had a candy bowl full of them on the coffee table. But if she’s got a few in a drawer, wouldn’t that simply suggest she’s health-conscious?
I just think, like, if you’re into someone and you guys get to that level, then that’s something you should converse about together and say, “Hey, maybe we should get some.” Another pet peeve is wet sinks.

Wet sinks?
Yeah, like a wet sink. You don’t wipe the sink after you use it? Dry it off! And if she’s got only dry toilet paper and no baby wipes next to the toilet. You ain’t got no baby wipes?

I’ve heard about this particular deal breaker before. Why is that a big deal to you?
Here’s proof on why people should have baby wipes. Get some chocolate, wipe it on a wooden floor, and then try to get it up with some dry towels. You’re going to get chocolate in the cracks. That’s why you gotta get them baby wipes.
Ironically, Terrence Howard expressed that baby wipes (or lack of) was an absolute deal breaker, in a 2007 interview with the same publication.
“Toilet paper – and no baby wipes – in the bathroom. If they’re using dry paper, they aren’t washing all of themselves. It’s just unclean. So if I go in a woman’s house and see the toilet paper there, I’ll explain this. And if she doesn’t make the adjustment to baby wipes, I’ll know she’s not completely clean.”

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