Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Three Types Of Women That Men Love To Hate

One day in college, I was skipping class with a group of people and this girl says, “There’s three types of girls …” When she finished, it had been broken down in a way that I will always remember. What she said stayed with me, and I think (with very few exceptions) every woman I’ve ever met falls into the categories. As she explained each kind of girl, we stared out the window looking for each kind of girl she was describing. I want to make it clear that I didn’t come up with this. I just made it a hot post. These are the three types of women:
1) Pretty Girls Who Think They’re A Lot Prettier Than They Really Are – I’ve always thought that the only thing worse than a pretty girl is a pretty girl who knows she’s pretty. In my experience, they’ve all pimped that prettiness for all it’s worth. These women are usually standing in the mirror saying things like, “Girl, I think my butt getting big,” or, “I think I look like Ciara, like not really, because she got a sharp jaw, but mine is cuter.” You can also find her on Facebook doing the same two poses; turned around, looking back over her shoulder, with a tilted-up head and a smile. And, they always take the pictures themselves. Sometimes she will hold the camera above her head (to show cleavage), look to the side and smirk.
In reality, men appreciate subtleness. We may not act like it, seeing as we almost lose our lunch money every time we see the buxom women of TNA, but we do.
A pretty girl’s worse flaw is that she can only see herself, and she thinks all girls should look like her. She’s the first one to suggest that you should try her makeup tips, or you should get the brand of shoes she wears. If you’re a guy or girl dating this pretty girl, she’ll always take the time to remind you that she deserves everything top rate, and my grandma said, “If you deserve it, you ain’t gotta ask for it.”
2) Mediocre Girls Who Think They’re the Pretty Girl – I don’t have much to say about mediocre girls because I haven’t been able to figure out whether it’s a good or bad thing that they think they’re the ish. I can only tell you that if you don’t wake up in the morning and tell yourself you are the most beautiful in all the land, you can’t expect anyone else to think of you that way. The issue with this girl is simply that they’re always reaching. Three good ways to identify a girl who’s reaching are: (1) They have brown skin and keep saying they have light skin, (2) They say things like, “Oh my God my breasts are getting so big,” but they’re just getting to a C cup, (3) They say, “I would hate to be ugly.”
The good thing about mediocre girls is they have confidence, but the bad thing is they are inherently haters. They have to be. Anyone who wants to be pretty is competitive. The entire notion of being pretty means that ugly people exist. I sympathize with mediocre girls because they have tend not to understand why they can hook a man, but not keep a man. See, ugly girls always have “situations,” pretty girls always have “friends” and mediocre girls typically stay in a relationship until the guy figures he can do better and goes chasing after a pretty girl. If you are the friend of a mediocre girl, she will always be there for you to prove that she’s not above you. But, be prepared to be the shoulder she cries on every time her heart gets broken.
3) Unattractive Girls Who Think Everyone is Looking at Them or Trying to Get With Them – I know this girl like I know the back of my hand because there’s always one in every group of girls. They may not have a pretty girl, they may not have a mediocre girl, but there is always an unattractive girl. And let me define “unattractive”: You may have a cute face or be able to dance (or whatever excuse you use to say you’re beautiful), but no matter how beautiful you are, you’re unattractive if your attitude is stank. Oh, and people who are really just hard to look at are unattracitve too.
Obviously, all the men that are staring at the group are trying to see the pretty friend, but they have to see around you to see her. So, no, they aren’t leaning their head to the right to admire your butt or standing on their tippy toes to see your breasts, they’re trying to get to your friend. Also, when a guy is being nice to you and buying you a drink, he may just be trying to do right by you to get to your friend.
If this is one of your girlfriends, you probably notice that this girl is negative about everything. She’s the type of girl who isn’t a gold digger, she’s a dirt digger. And, she’s going to keep digging until she finds something wrong about … YOUR MAN. She’s going to hate on your other girlfriends when they’re not around. She most often opens a sentence with, “You know what I don’t like about [insert her alleged friend’s name here]?”
Of course there are women who fall outside of these categories, we call them unicorns. And, yes, unicorns do exist. I’ve met some of the most beautiful women with excellent personalities. I’ve met some girls that people would consider unattractive, who were actually sincere and great people. However, when I look at all the women of the world without trying to place them into these categories, I find that they usually find some way to put themselves into one. This was just for fun. No one is attacking the female gender. I just want you to laugh. Ciao.

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