Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chris Brown Apologizes for GMA Incident, Claims They Tried To Exploit Him

Continuing on his promotional circuit for F.A.M.E.Chris Brown made an appearance yesterday on BET’s ’106 & Park.’ While there, he apologized for and explained his recent behavior on Good Morning America, denied that he pre-approved any questions regarding the Rihanna incident, and talked about how he felt as if people were trying to take away from the hard work he put into making his album:

“I’m great, as you can see after the incident you saw me out with my people just trying to enjoy life and enjoy the experience of having my album out. First and foremost, I want to apologize to anybody who was startled in the office, or anybody who was offended or really looked disappointed at my actions because I’m disappointed in the way I acted. A lot of people don’t know what went down. Obviously…when I do shows or when I do interviews, we always send out a ‘talking point’ sheet, and if a network or whoever isn’t compliant with what we want to do so we can equally accomplish a goal, we usually kind of back out and wait until it’s a better situation. When we actually did this event everything was cool, you know, we were supposed to perform, the ‘talking points’ were positivity, creative…you know everything that was sent to me was about the album, that’s what we’re talking about.
So, as the interview proceeded, it was kinda thrown off…I was thrown off by it. I felt like they told us this so they could get us on the show and exploit me. That’s what I thought and I took it very, very hard. I kinda kept my composure throughout the whole interview, although you could see me upset, I kept my composure through my performance. When I got back I just let off…it’s like steam in the back. I didn’t physically hurt anyone. I didn’t try to hurt anyone. I just wanted to release all the anger I had inside me because I felt like I worked so hard for this music and I love my fans and I love to be able to make positive music that I felt like they just kept trying to take it away from me and take it away from me. So, yes I got very emotional and I apologize for acting like that.”
Though he never admits to smashing the window, he goes on to tell Team Breezy, his fans and all his supporters not to call or threaten Robin Roberts because he’s been hearing that has been happening. He goes on to say he’s all about creativity and positivity, and it’s about loving everybody.

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